Thursday, October 7, 2010

very ugly. very stoupid. like banana

I dont have anything too new and exciting to report.  Having a job sucks.

I joined a gym a couple days ago... the eliptical looks like it's from 1980. And the best part? The gym has one of those "work out machines," in which you just stand there, wrap the chord around you, and it jiggles your fat.  People use it!  There was not a minute that thing wasn't in action.

this is what i'm talking about.
Also, I made the huge (fairly common) mistake of giving my phone number to a church group.  I really need to stop giving my phone number out to whoever or whatever wants it.  This is worse than the time I was living in NYC and gave my number to the creepy old guy who worked at dunkin donuts by my apartment.  The circumstances weren't really fair.. it was really late at night and he caught me at a weak moment when I needed a bagel.  Being the only bagel source in the area, I had to be nice to him.  After he called, since he had taken advantage of my vulnerability and obtained my phone number under false pretenses, I labeled him in my phone as "do not answer" and didn't pick up when he called every. day. for. a. week.   I really kicked myself in the arse, because after that, whenever I needed a large iced coffee, I had to get my roomate Lindsay to go in and get it for me while I hid around the corner.. or I had to go like 5 blocks down to the other dunkin donuts.
Anyway, a couple weeks ago when MJ and I were drinking wine down by the river, a woman from the eunpyeong chuch saw us and figured our souls needed to be saved (she was probably right).  Anyway, she came up to us and gave us some packages of tissues with bible verses on them.  And who doesn't like free tissues, right?  She told us that we should come to church the next day.  For some reason, at the time, we were like "yeah!! we'll totally wake up on sunday morning and go to church!! Great idea!  We'll meet so many Korean friends!" I gave her my phone number and that was the end of it.  Since that day, two weeks ago, I have gotten constant text messages and phone calls asking me to come to church and bible studies.  I'm not exaggerating.  I'd check my phone after work and have 7 missed calls.  They'd call and text me at like.. 7 AM. It didn't matter what day it was or what time it was.  It's interesting how aggressive they are about Christianity here.. because the presbyterian church i went to back in new brunswick had the sweetest, least pushy congregation I've ever met (not like I've met a lot of congregations, but you get the point).  These evangelists are ALL over the place, trying to push their religion on everyone.  It gets awkward.

This week has been a good one at school.  I'm getting the hang of things and am a lot more comfortable teaching.  It also helps that I now know the kids by name, so I can call on them when they aren't paying attention.  On a side note, I remember when I was in grade school, I was SUCH a nerd.. I would pretend I wasn't paying attention so that the teacher would call on me and I would know the answer.  God, I was so lame.  Anyway, this week, the kids are learning all about detectives.  We're doing a Creative Thinking Project in regard to detectives, which the kids have been working on all week.  The assignment was:
You are a detective, but you are not popular like Sherlock Holmes.  Create an advertisement to introduce yourself.
The instructions were easy after I slowly explained, in detail, what an advertisement was, and EXACTLY what they were supposed to do.  Everyone understood... or so I thought.
One of my brilliant students handed this in: An advertisement for...... a monkey.  A fucking monkey.

Also, at the end of class if we have extra time we always play hangman.  The kids are so funny because instead of guessing logical letters like vowels, they always guess "x", "q","h".. those letters that no one ever uses. It's hilarious.

Anyway, that's about it for the week.  Nothing too exciting.  I've been addicted to running, which is something I never thought I'd say.  I love this area because there's great places to run.. along the river is my favorite.  The weather has been gorgeous so I've been trying to soak up the outdoors while I still can.

OH how could I forget about this?  Clinx toothpaste... IT'S ANTI- CALCULUS!

Anywayyy...  This weekend should be pretty epic.. Saturday night is Global Gathering.  A huge outdoor music festival that happens in a bunch of places around the world.  All night dance party.  I CAN'T WAIT.  Saturday can't come fast enough.


  1. have been harassed by the Asian Mormon equivalent. At least they aren't leaving you five minute long voice mails while reciting verses from "The Watchtower".

    What struck me about the toothpaste wasn't the Engrish/Chingrish "Anti-Calculus" statement. Not nearly as baffling as some of the translations I find on products is the fact that said toothpaste is produced by LG that really caught my attention. For some reason I find that really frightening.....

  2. That's funny. I also am Anti-Calculus.
